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每日微信群精讲托福口语,连续100天! | 浏览:2030 回复:2 |
稳盛GT 发表于:2017/10/8 15:57:23 | 编辑 1 楼 |
近日起,我们将每天在微信群里精讲一道托福口语题并语音作答,连续100日,原创、优质内容长期免费更新提供。 内容会更新在后续跟帖, 也欢迎加微信群: |
稳盛GT 发表于:2017/10/8 17:24:43 | 编辑 2 楼 |
[flash=500,350]http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA3MjExOTE5Mg==.html[/flash] |
稳盛GT 发表于:2017/10/8 17:42:59 | 编辑 3 楼 |
Agree or disagree: should parents use money as incentive for kids to behave well in school? 家长是否应当用现金激励小孩在学校好好表现? 解题思路,这个见仁见智,说不可以比较简单,学习是小孩的义务云云,我挑可以这个角度来说吧。 Agree: 现在小孩消费水平不低,也见过世面,通过现金激励也是一个有效的手段,当然也要结合其他措施综合来应对。 全文:I agree that parents should use money as an incentive. Nowadays, kids have more pocket money and they grow up with iPads and smartphones and overall they grow up in a richer environment. It may be difficult for kids to behave well in school because some are rebellious by nature, some move around a lot and can't really control themselves, but a cash incentive could be something they undesrstand and could prove to be useful. Of course, this doesn't mean that only cash is enough, a more comprehensive approach is needed, but money incentive can definitely be useful and should be used. 优酷上的音频链接如下: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA3MjExOTE5Mg==.html |